

Download the Toolkit

If you would like to use the Community Toolkit please fill out this form to download your copy. We look forward to hearing about how you use it and what you learn. If you post about it, please tag #DesignForBelonging.

  • What is the toolkit?

    This toolkit contains prompts and exercises for you to use to understand and improve the state of belonging in your team, organization or community. The goal of this work is for people to know and feel they belong and that their perspectives and contributions are sought out and honored.

  • Notice What is Happening

    Belonging is a feeling. Start by noticing what you feel and invite others to do the same. The Toolkit offers a number of exercises and graphic organizers for noticing and sharing stories of both othering and belonging.

  • Raise Your Hand

    The work of design for belonging is all of ours to do. Whether you are an informal leader in your community or embedded in a role within an organization, you can use the Design for Belonging Toolkit to investigate the state of belonging in your context and bring people together to design the way forward.